Sunday, May 24, 2020

Volunteer work helps your career while you help others

Volunteer work helps your career while you help others We are entering the age of volunteerism. Generation X has shifted charity from the hierarchical, corporate-backed methods of the Red Cross and United Way, to a grassroots, episodic volunteerism of, say, tutoring neighborhood children. And Generation Y is donating more of their time to charitable causes than perhaps any generation in history. According Leslie Lenkowsky, professor at The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University, 90% of college-bound high school students volunteer. Young people are determined to make a difference; they accept only a mission that is close to the heart and take action only when they can get their arms around the whole project. These attitudes affect choice of both charity and career, and increasingly the two overlap in ways that finally dignify the word synergy. Melissa Krodman graduated from Boston University with a communications degree and joined a casting agency in England. But she found that industry was no match for her values. She wanted to do something larger in media, but she wasnt sure what. Also, she says, I was faxing and doing things where I wasnt learning very much. So she moved back to the United States to regroup, and she volunteered at Whats Up magazine. Bruce Tulgan studies the working lives of young people, and he sees Krodmans criteria as typical for recent entrants into the workforce. Mission is especially important for both career and charity, but then they want to know what theyll be doing. They ask, What will I learn? Who will I work with? In many cases, volunteering can add both mission and key experience to ones work life. Enter episodic volunteering: short-term, project-based, local, and hands-on, this is the type of charity that can improve your karma as well as your career. Aaron Hurst is president and founder of the Taproot Foundation, which provides ways for people to donate their skills to discreet projects for nonprofit organizations. He says, In the first ten or fifteen years of a career people have limited money giving ability but can give a relatively significant donation of time and skills. The average Taproot volunteer donates five to seven thousand dollars in work, and they could have never given that much in cash. For some volunteers, time with a nonprofit can shine light on a true calling. Krodman explains that, For a long time I didnt know exactly what I wanted to do. Volunteering at Whats Up gave me a much more clear focus. Whats Up introduced me to media that inspires activism. Thats a part of the picture I didnt have. Even those who know their true calling can expand their skill set by volunteering for challenging projects. Hurst says, Experiential learning is the best way to teach adults, especially when it comes to soft skills like leadership. Law firms have used pro bono work as a great training tool, and now its spreading to other industries. Hurst gives an example of a graphic designer for Hewlett Packard who had used the same font and colors for five years. Volunteering was a good way to stretch his design skills. One of the most frustrating aspects of an entry-level job is the lack of responsibility. Krodman points out that volunteering is a good way to gain responsibility fast: In an organization where you have bosses and work for someone else there is a certain amount of climbing you have to do. At Whats Up, I am my own boss and I get to do work that I would not get to do at a big corporation until years down the line. And no matter where you are in your career, volunteering is a way to build a network. A typical Taproot branding project, for example, combines a project manager, brand strategist, graphic designer, and copywriter, each from a different company. This benefit is not lost on Krodman. She used the contacts she made through volunteer work at Whats Up magazine to find her ideal job one that provides solid mission as well as solid salary. But what would she do if she landed that dream job and didnt have to work at cafes to pay rent? Volunteer more, she says. Theres so much to be done.

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